White Orcherstra (profile)


Oleksandra Kaniuka (she/they)

Languages and locations

Prague-based artist, often in Kyiv and other Ukrainian cities, available worldwide speaking Ukrainian, Russian, English, Czech, German

artist statement

The artist is interested in researching corporeal loneliness, interhuman and interspecies relationships. Often based on her work on interdisciplinary research and the experience of personal trauma, she uses poetic metaphors and symbols to create video art, collages and canvases, texts, photographs.

mediums and methods

Video art, texts, collage, photography, drawing degree in Liberal Arts and Humanities (Art Theory) through the optics of feelings (artistic-based research)

What can I do?
  • Photography (social media content, document, event, portrait, fashion, product, art)
  • Videography (commercial shooting and editing, music videos, social media content)
  • Production (film, exhibition)
  • Text (social media content, exhibition explication and curatorial texts, journalistic articles, copywrite, re-write text & structure)
  • Curation (visual arts – online and offline galleries, artistic consultation)

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